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Makeup Artist


Welcome to the Bectu Hair, Make-up & Prosthetics Branch college pack


Since March 2020 the Hair, Make-up & Prosthetics Branch of Bectu have been actively involved in trying to help out industry and practitioners in TV, film, theatre and fashion through these unprecedented times. We are also very aware that the current generation of students and future new entrants are facing great changes and impacts to their education due to the disruption caused by the pandemic.


As a branch we formed a small training subgroup to focus on the training needs of our current members and to identify ways in which we could support the next generation of hair and make-up artists. Our training subgroup, like the rest of the hair, make-up & prosthetics branch, is driven by its members who selflessly give up their free time to be part of a positive force for support to our members and industry as a whole.


We gathered our collective knowledge and experience, along with feedback from new entrants and trainees we had previously worked with, to identify key information beneficial to students taking their first steps into the industry. From there our college pack was born. Our college pack is a collection of documents that informs, educates and encourages students on the brink of entering the world of work.


It is our hope that this collection of documents will help prepare the next generation of make-up artist to enter the work place feeling confident and equipped to succeed.

If you are an educatior looking for some assistance in delivering any of the college pack material to your class groups, our training subgroup may be able to help. Just send an email to and our voluntary training subgroup will endeavour to respond as swiftly as possible.


The college pack is split into 4 sections below:


  • Who are we and what we do (introduction)

  • Department pack

  • Production pack

  • Study choices pack


Who We Are And What We Do (introduction)


In this section you will find documents to help you understand what Bectu is and who the Hair, Make-up & Prosthetics Branch are as well as information covering some of the benefits avaliable to paying members when you enter the work place. Within this collection of documents you will also find directions on how to sign up to the Bectu student register to access FREE resources avaliable to students as well as some advice surrounding new freelancer finances and knowing your worth with links to current rate cards.












Department Pack


In this section you will find documents that help explain the different hair and make-up roles within the sectors of tv and film, theatre and fashion. We hope the documents serve as a good resource to help you understand the career opportunities that may lie ahead of you in the future as well as preparing you for your first role as a trainee/new entrant.














Production Pack


In this section you will find a collection of sample documents that are common place in the TV and film industry. These are day to day documents that have been created to help tutors teach students how to read and understand call sheets, unit lists and movement orders. These documents have been created to work together to help familiarise students with their purpose and use prior to taking their first steps in the industry. You will also find a helpful document which is an A-Z collection of on-set terms aimed at teaching you the language of film making so that when you turn up for your first day on set you aren’t confused by any of the terms, sayings or verbal cues around.















Study Choices Pack


When starting out in your career the most difficult decision to make is often where to study. In this section you will find our document ‘How To Choose a Hair and Make-up Course thats right for you’. This documents aim is to help you consider some important points when choosing a particular school, college or course. Ultimately there are many personal factors that will determine your final decision, we hope this helps you consider some important points that are sometimes overlooked. We have also included a helpful table for those travelling between different countries within the UK to pursue their education. This table makes it easy to see how the qualification systems in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales compare, so that students can make informed choices on their next level of study between each country.






College Pack Introduction
Knowing Your Worth,
New Freelancer Finance PDF
TV & Film Department Roles PDF
Theatre Department Roles PDF
Fashion Roles PDF
Sample Call Sheet PDF
Sample Unit List PDF
Sample Movement Order PDF
The Language of Film Making PDF
Qualifications Table PDF
How to Choose A Hair & Makeup Course That is Right For You
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